Act on specified commercial transactions

Sales company name: Fujiyamall, Inc.
Sales company location: 150-0031 15-8-401, Sakuraoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative or Head of Operations: Ikuyo Nakaya
Contact/TEL: +8150-5436-3033
Sales price range: The price indicated on each product.
Delivery time (days) of products etc. / Shipping method: Ships in about 7 days after payment is confirmed.
Payment period and method of payment: Credit card.
Necessary costs other than the product price / Shipping fee, consumption tax, etc.: Delivery cost depending on the product. The predetermined fee depends on the payment method.
Return handling conditions / return deadline, shipping cost at the time of return or cancellation / unsubscription conditions: Returns and exchanges are not accepted for customer convenience.
Handling conditions for defective products: Please contact the seller for defective products.